wp_posts 相关的函数

wp_posts 是wordpress中最核心的数据表,发布的所有文章都存在这个表中。常用的操作函数有5个

  1. wp_insert_post( $postarr, $wp_error = false )
  2. wp_update_post( $postarr = array(), $wp_error = false )
  3. get_post( $post = null, $output = OBJ ECT, $filter = ‘raw’ )
  4. get_posts( $args = null )
  5. wp_delete_post( $postid = 0 , $force_delete = false )

postarr 是什么

   * @param array $postarr {
   *     An array of elements that make up a post to update or insert.
   *     @type int    $ID                    The post ID. If equal to something other than 0,
   *                                         the post with that ID will be updated. Default 0.
   *     @type int    $post_author           The ID of the user who added the post. Default is
   *                                         the current user ID.
   *     @type string $post_date             The date of the post. Default is the current time.
   *     @type string $post_date_gmt         The date of the post in the GMT timezone. Default is
   *                                         the value of `$post_date`.
   *     @type mixed  $post_content          The post content. Default empty.
   *     @type string $post_content_filtered The filtered post content. Default empty.
   *     @type string $post_title            The post title. Default empty.
   *     @type string $post_excerpt          The post excerpt. Default empty.
   *     @type string $post_status           The post status. Default 'draft'.
   *     @type string $post_type             The post type. Default 'post'.
   *     @type string $comment_status        Whether the post can accept comments. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'.
   *                                         Default is the value of 'default_comment_status' option.
   *     @type string $ping_status           Whether the post can accept pings. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'.
   *                                         Default is the value of 'default_ping_status' option.
   *     @type string $post_password         The password to access the post. Default empty.
   *     @type string $post_name             The post name. Default is the sanitized post title
   *                                         when creating a new post.
   *     @type string $to_ping               Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs to ping.
   *                                         Default empty.
   *     @type string $pinged                Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs that have
   *                                         been pinged. Default empty.
   *     @type string $post_modified         The date when the post was last modified. Default is
   *                                         the current time.
   *     @type string $post_modified_gmt     The date when the post was last modified in the GMT
   *                                         timezone. Default is the current time.
   *     @type int    $post_parent           Set this for the post it belongs to, if any. Default 0.
   *     @type int    $menu_order            The order the post should be displayed in. Default 0.
   *     @type string $post_mime_type        The mime type of the post. Default empty.
   *     @type string $guid                  Global Unique ID for referencing the post. Default empty.
   *     @type int    $import_id             The post ID to be used when inserting a new post.
   *                                         If specified, must not match any existing post ID. Default 0.
   *     @type int[]  $post_category         Array of category IDs.
   *                                         Defaults to value of the 'default_category' option.
   *     @type array  $tags_input            Array of tag names, slugs, or IDs. Default empty.
   *     @type array  $tax_input             Array of taxonomy terms keyed by their taxonomy name. Default empty.
   *     @type array  $meta_input            Array of post meta values keyed by their post meta key. Default empty.
   * }